The last thing I want to encounter is a spider with fuzzy legs.......Unless, of course, it's in the form of a cute Halloween craft!
- Craft Foam
- Yarn (2 colors)
- Button
- Scissors
- Glue
How to Make it:
1. Cut a LONG piece of yarn. Wrap it around a piece of craft foam and tie the beginning end to itself to secure it:
2. Keep on wrapping the long piece of yarn around and around from different angles and sides. When you get to the end of the yarn, tie it to an already wrapped around piece to secure it.
This is your SPIDER WEB!
3. With a different color of yarn, cut 3-4 pieces about 2-3 inches long. Choose where you want your spider on the web and tie the pieces around a web piece.
These are your spider legs!
4. Finally, glue a button over the middle of the legs. If you want you can also glue on googly eyes, or just leave it as is.
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