Happy Mother's Day!

I was trying to find the perfect quote about Motherhood to share this Mother's Day, but after a horribly imperfect day as a mother, everything I read just made me feel like a big fat failure. 
Then I saw this video, and I cried. 
I cried tears of sorrow for my endless weaknesses, mistakes and imperfections as a mother.
But mostly I cried tears of joy and hope in remembering that I am not alone--that with the Lord's help, I can do this. 
Bad days (like today) remind me that I cannot do this on my own --- I'm too impatient, too selfish, too exhuasted, too clueless. But my loving Father in Heaven already knows that and can strengthen me where I'm weak. I will rely on Him forever.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Anastasia@healthymamainfo.com said...

Amazing video!!! I just shared it with all mothers I know. Very inspiring! Thank you so much for posting!

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