Here's a simple way to teach about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to young children:
- A picture of Jesus after he was resurrected. (the picture above comes from the Gospel Art Book)
- A glove
Here's how to teach::
- (Put the glove on your hand) - Many years ago, Jesus lived on the Earth. He taught us how to love and obey, and he made it possible for us to someday return to live with our Heavenly Father again.
- (Take the glove off your hand) - When Jesus died, his spirit left his body. His body stayed on the Earth like this glove, and His Spirit went up to Heaven.
- After 3 days, Jesus was resurrected! His spirit came back to His body (Put the glove back on your hand), and it would never be separated again.
- Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He made it possible for us all to be resurrected. When we die, our spirit will leave our body. But someday we will be resurrected and our spirits will return to our bodies. If we obey God's commandments, we can live with Him again and be together with our family forever.
- (Bear your personal testimony of Jesus Christ and the Resurrection).
I love to teach my children about the Savior. Life is hard. Where will they find hope when they face heartache & death of loved ones? -- Happiness when they face adversity & despair? -- Peace when they face sorrow & confusion? In all of these moments of my life, I have found true hope, happiness, and peace in my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know He lives and that death is not the end. I want my children to know this too.
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I am ssoooooo doing this with my kids in the morning! Thanks!
Great project!
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