Halloween Stick Puzzles

Halloween Countdown #3 - Learning Activity

I saw this idea somewhere, long ago, in a land far away, most likely, and have been meaning to give it a go. It was the perfect activity for Halloween Countdown day #3. I laid out the Jumbo sized craft sticks and used crayons to draw a couple of Halloween pictures. LM has fun with these, but they are a bit challenging for him.

I also must admit, it was a bit tricky to make these because the sticks kept moving around! Maybe taping them underneath would have helped.....or something.


Anonymous said...

oohhh my goodness I LOVE this idea!! Thanks so much for sharing it!

Maggie & Nate said...

You always have grand ideas...
I h ad Popsicle sticks that I got ride of cuz I had no idea what to do w/ them... hello that is a great idea!!! Popsicle sticks come back...
I am gonna email you for ideas...

The Activity Mom said...

Those turned out great! I just tweeted and posted this idea to my facebook page. Thanks! =)

Rob and Marseille said...

so is it like a puzzle to play with or just a decoration? Do you come up w/all your ideas at the beginning or at a moment's notice?

Little Family Fun said...

Hi Marseille,

Yes, this is a puzzle to play with. Though I keep it in my file cabinet when it's not being used so it's not scattered all over the house.

And a lot of the ideas I've come up with I thought of at the beginning of the month. I have a running list going of activities I want to try and keep adding to it as I find or come up with new ideas. It definitely helps to have some kind of plan though.

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