
I've been having fun seeing what LM can draw lately. As you may remember, I posted his very first drawing of a face that he did several months ago. He was still 2 then, and recently at his 3 year check up the Dr. was going through the list of milestones for 3 year olds. He asked me if he can draw a straight line? Yes. A circle? Sort of. Two lines crossing? Uhhhh......we've never tried. Sorry Doc.
So that day, we came home and tried. I got out a piece of paper and we drew a little bit. Everything in BLUE is my work, and everything in PURPLE is LM's. 

Among other things, he drew train tracks (top right)
The letter D (middle right)
A snake (middle right)
Faces (bottom middle)
And crossing lines! (bottom right)

Milestone passed.

1 comment:

Rob and Marseille said...

that is fun! our dr office has a website of milestones if you want the address.

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