FHE: Obedience

If you'd like to do something similar with your family, 
you could copy and paste the following into a document that you can print.


Scripture: Alma 37: 35

Activity: Sing the song Do As I’m Doing (Children’s Songbook, #276). Each round choose a new action that everyone follows. Talk about the importance of obeying Mommy & Daddy.


Treat: Mini S'more Pops - Put a toothpick in a mini marshmallow and dip it in melted chocolate, then in graham cracker crumbs. Mmmmmm.....


Packer Family said...

We are going to study the plan of salvation:) Nate is going to draw it out with chalk on the drive way:)

Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

Oooo... this one is perfect, and easy for my newly 5 year old. Obedience is becoming a challenge. Thanks, Linda.

Rosina {Rosy ~ Posy} said...

Neat! I can't wait to see your banner and I'm sure it's fabulous :) Anything handmade has to be good *grin*. Have a lovely week!

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