For LM's Lego Birthday Party, I wanted to find those Lego-shaped candies to put on top of the cupcakes.
I couldn't find them!
So instead, I came up with an easy way to make my OWN Lego candies using Air-Heads!
Here it is!
How to Make your own Lego Cupcakes!
1. Unwrap an Airhead and cut a the end of it off. Trim the edges so that it is a rectangle.
(Mine is about 1"x1 1/2")
2. Cut a few small pieces off the rest of the airhead--OR use some of the scraps you cut off when you trimmed your rectangle--and shape them into 4 small balls using your fingers.
**TIP: Wet a washcloth and set it to the side.
Wet your fingers slightly on the cloth as you shape the small balls.
This will help when your fingers start getting sticky. :)
3. Place the 4 balls on the rectangle. There's your LEGO!
4. Place the LEGO on top of a frosted cupcake!
5. Repeat with all your cupcakes.
Hope this helps anyone else looking for an easy cupcake idea for a Lego-lovin' Birthday!
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