Sundays are special because we get to go to church and learn from the scriptures.
And we can also learn at HOME!
You can use File-Folder Games as a fun way to teach your children about the scriptures and faith-building principles.
- File Folders
- Pictures of scriptures stories (You can use printables, pictures cut out of church magazines, or anything else you think might work! The printed ones I have below were ones I printed & colored appx. 13 years ago as part of a goal I had in my Young Women's program to make fun Family Home Evening games for my future family! My hard work paid off!)
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- Marker
Here's what you do:
- Create a file-folder game using whatever pictures you were able to find. Your kids can play with these independently, or you can have a little lesson to go along with it.
- Here are some examples:
Bible Picture Match-up:
People in the Bible Match-up:
Sailing to the Promised Land Puzzle:
Noah's Ark Matching:
Book of Mormon Matching:
(what's the Book of Mormon? Click here.)
Pass-Along Card Matching:
Good idea using the pass along cards.
Cute bible file folder games. I have a some Christian freebies for children at my new blog. Come check them out.
Creatively yours,
Where did you get your pictures from for the noah;s ark and book of mormon matching?
I was wondering the same where did you get the pictures from?
Hey everyone! To answer your question of where I got these pictures.....I'm afraid I'm not much help on the specifics. I actually made this like 15 years ago as a project for my Young Women's church group. My mom had a book of clipart that I copied and colored and laminated. I don't remember know what the book was or anything, so sorry!
BUT, maybe if you google you could find some pictures that might be good. Or look at Deseret Book or Seagull Book for some primary clipart/activity books?
Hope that helps!
Seagull Books actually does offer a book with pages for several activity folders.It is called "Little LDS File Folder Fun". I ordered it online. my kids got to color and help create the folders and they love them.
They look like some file folder books by Karen Finch that I bought at Deseret Book.
They are by "finchfamilygames"
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