Here is a fun way to get the wiggles out of your little bunnies!
This activity includes:
- 1 felt basket
- appx. 24 paper strips with pictures of the following: bunny, egg, flower, chick.
- 1 activity key (cardstock with directions on each paper) Here's what the key says:
- Bunny - Hop like a bunny
- Egg - Roll like an Egg: Do a somersault
- Flower - Pretend to pick a flower and smell it
- Chick - Tweet & flap your arms like a bird
Here's how you play:
- Fold up all the paper strips and place them in the basket.
- Take turns choosing a paper out of the basket. Look at the activity key to see what movement it says to make.
- Play until all the papers are chosen and everyone is wiggled out!
I guess I love all of your ideas!
What a fantastic idea!! I'm going to have to make this NOW!
Fun! Do you have a list that you can send of the activities? jandvfamily@gmail.com
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