A while ago, I was at my favorite home decor outlet rummaging through the clearance bins (my favorite section of any store) when I came across a treasure: a small race car photo album for only 10 cents. That's right.....10 cents!!!
Perfect for my little boy, and even more perfect for my tight-wad budget!
I didn't know exactly how I'd use it, but a few days later I had an idea. I found some of those magazines that advertise local cars for sale. You know, the ones they have in the entrances to stores and on city streets? The ones that are FREE. (Which is even better than 10 cents!)
So, I grabbed a couple of those magazines and we put together a homemade car book.
I cut out some 4x6 pieces of cardstock to fit into the photo pockets, and had LM color each of them a different color.
While he was coloring, I flipped through the magazines and cut out cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, etc. of all different colors. We glued them onto the cards to match LM's coloring and put them into the photo album.
It was fun, practically free, and it's become one of our favorite reads!
That is a great idea! I've thought about making Dawson a book of things he loves already (one of those things is cars!) maybe I will do this after we get settled. (We move in a week! Almost everything in my house is packed right now so we can't do much now. *lol*)
Also I have a few awards for you in my blog. And I am totally taking your button! How did I not notice it before? I love your blog!
What a great idea!
Your ideas are always great though, so no surprise there!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your tip, Linda. :) Sounds like we're on the same wavelength! I use the blog a lot now/schedule posts for later method, too - always have! I found it works best for me, too. As you know, there's more to blogging than just creating posts. There's commenting, replying to all the blog-related emails sweet comments from others, and reading all the fabulous blogs (like yours!) every day! I love this aspect of blogging, but it does take quite a bit of time. :) Thanks again for reaching out. Take care!
I love this! I'm always looking for new ways to make class made books! Thanks for sharing it! :)
My son would love this!
Hi Linda!
You are right, I´m from Sweden. :-)
And thank you for visiting my blog, I must say I just love your blog! Everytime I visit I find something new that I love. :-) Love the idea you have here with the homemade book. Great idea that I know both boys and girls can enjoy. :-) And its so fun to find a new friend and I your danish is really good! Have a great day, mine is filled with baking and preparing for our daughters christening tomorrow.
What a cute idea - my son would love this!
Love your blog! I think we'll be borrowing some of your ideas! :)
Commented before, but it bears repeating--how delightful it is to see a young mother use what is available to you to teach your children. I will use this idea, as well as many of your other posts. Thanks for being an example for others who are on a budget been there, done that--love it!!
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