This is a big week for LM. He is riding the Potty Train!
Since we've been talking about potty training, LM hears the word, "train" and thinks of the choo choo variety, and gets really excited. So I thought we would capitalize on that excitement, and make a Potty Train!
I made a little track and a train that he moves every time he goes potty. When it reaches the station at the end of the track, he gets a little prize. So far, we've had plenty of accidents, which is to be expected, I'm sure. But he is getting the hang of it. He's already reached the train station once, and received his prize.
With all this excitement, who wouldn't want to take a ride on the potty train?
All aboard!
LOL Cute! The other day I was talking on the phone and mentioned that Drake was potty trained and Caden said,"I wan't a potty train!"
So love it! I can't remember if I told you but I gave up after a couple months with Mia. I'm going to start both Claire and Mia at the same time this summer. That way they can run around naked in the backyard...hahaha.
So cool! Good luck!
Great idea! I am going to try this after we move. My son loves trains :)
great idea!!!!
What a fantastic idea! I'm going to do this for my son, who I will be potty training in a couple weeks. :-0 Thanks for sharing!
Love it! Check out The Potty Train, by David Hochman and Ruth Kennison. My Little Man loved the book!
There is a potty train book that would be really cute to reinforce this! It is written by David Hochman, Ruth Kennison and Derek Anderson and it's the The Potty Train.
What a great idea!!!!!! My little guy is actively taking a "no-interest" strike on potty training...maybe this will spark his interest! Thanks!
What a great idea. Our son LOVES trains
Hi again, Linda! I did end up using your idea, and I made sure to mention your post! Feel free to check it out! :)
Thank you so much for this idea. I tried it three days ago with my strong-willed three-year-old train aficionado. It worked like a charm! We are chugging along on the Potty Train, and we will enjoy a special train treat when we reach Success Station!
There is also this book that would go great with this!!
My son loves trains too and we read this book a lot in the beginning of his potty training. Now he will say "Chugga Chugga Poo Poo!" while he is on the potty even if he just pees lol. We did something similar but with a small chart and each time he went he got a sticker. Once the track was full of stickers he got to pick a bigger prize. We also have a big prize for him once he has 3 consecutive days without an accident.
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