Dec. 4 - O Christmas Tree

Since I was getting things ready for our Church Christmas Party all day yesterday, I figured I'd have LM make a craft using the stuff I already had out! So, the 4th day of Christmas LM decorated little cut out Christmas trees.

First, I cut out small Christmas trees from cardstock and small pieces of ribbon and cardstock triangles to use as ornaments. I first let him use these markers to color with. That alone entertained him for a good 15-20 mins. He had so much fun looking at all the colors, pulling off the lids, trying each one, and then putting them back.

Then I put little dabs of glue on the tree and let him place the cut out ribbon and cardstock on the tree as ornaments. And, of course, the star on top!

For such a simple craft, these turned out pretty cute and will make great ornaments for our own Christmas tree.....we just need to get that thing set up already!

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