Dec. 22 - Jingle Bell Sticks

For the 22nd day of Christmas, we made Jingle Bell Sticks!

I thought of this idea because LM has learned to sing Jingle Bells this season. We had some jingle bells and I wondered how we could make them into something easy to jingle. So here is what I came up with:
We used a paper-towel roll & tp roll, some wrapping paper, pipe cleaners, and jingle bells of course.

We taped the paper over the rolls, then punched some holes into each end.I did double holes so I could string the pipe cleaner in and then back out like so:

These have added some sweet percussion to our Christmas Melodies!


The Activity Mom said...

ahhhh SO cute! Merry Christmas!

Megan said...

That is a great idea! I might have to try that with my students. Although you are taking many of the fun things that LM might be doing in Kindergarten. Why do you have to be so on the ball!?! :-) Way to go!

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